Diary 2006. 8
8月5日 (土)  実家帰省とミニ同窓会 Annual homecoming and Reunion party

I went back to my hometown in Komatsu, Ishikawa prefecture. It’s an annual event to go back to my hometown every summer and spring. As usual, I stayed at my father’s/brother’s house for 4 days and 3 nights, a bit longer than usual this time.
We had a small reunion party there. The four of us in the picture went to the same junior high school. As for the girl in the picture, we have been good friends since elementary school. I met the second boy (or I should say the man) from the left in the picture for the first time in more than 30 years. How quickly time passes! We had a good time, drinking, eating and catching up with one another.

8月10日 (木)  昔の生徒のお宅訪問 Visit to My Former Student

I visited Kazuko, who used to come to my classes as a junior and senior high student. She got married two years ago and now has an addition to her family. ( Some pictures from the wedding are shown in 2004 diary.) The baby boy is six months old. I saw her last at the wedding two years ago, and this was the first time I saw her cute baby. He is so amiable and lovely!


8月19日 (土)  カーブ・ドッチでのコンサート Concert at CAVE D'OCCI

 私達はトップバッターだったので終わった後はのんびり他の方たちの演奏を堪能しました。一枚目の写真は私達(Flower Five) のトーンチャイム演奏。二枚目は迫力ある連弾を披露してくれた若者二人。この二人の青年はコンサート後の食事の時にもいろいろな曲を披露してくれました。傑作だったのはラジオ体操。ラジオ体操の曲をあそこまで感情移入して弾く人を私は初めて見ました。実に見もの、爆笑ものでした。(おまけにみんなして体操してしまった)。他にもいろいろな人たちが入れ替わり立ち代わりピアノや歌など披露してくれ最後まで楽しむことができました。最後の写真、すてきなピアノを私も弾かせてもらいました・・・と言いたいところですが、格好だけ。いい感じに撮って貰ったのでずうずうしくのせました。
Today I took part in a concert held at CAVE D'OCCI, a restaurant in Maki, Niigata Prefecture. The concert was organized by one of my friends. We, a group of five people, had practiced the tone chimes for this day. Tomechimes are a set of musical instrument that look like hammers and are played by a group of people, just like the handbells. They sound soft, gentle and incredibly beautiful.
As we were the first one on the program today, we could enjoy other people’s performances after finishing our turn. Some people played the piano, some played the recorder, shinobue or a kind of bamboo flute, percussion, violin etc…there was even a performance of ballet dance to tunes.
The first picture shows our tonechime performance. Two young guys in the second picture are playing a duet, which was so wonderful that they were called for an encore.
After the concert, we had dinner there. The two guys showed off their piano-playing prowess during/after dinner. They enchanted us and made us laugh when they played something quite unusual.
“ I’m challenging the piano-playing myself in the third picture,” is what I’d like to say, but I’m just pretending to play it.
Go and visit the web-site below to know about CAVE D’OCCI.

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8月20日 (日)  カーブ・ドッチでのコンサート その2 Concert at CAVE D'OCCI NO.2

Here are three other pictures from yesterday. The first is a picture where a daughter plays the violin to her father’s piano. “Communication gap between parents and children” must not be a part of their vocabulary. This father plays the piano for the ballet in the second picture and one of the dancers is his wife. What a wonderful family!
And look at the cat that is lying down, looking without a care in the world in the third picture. Somehow there are some cats living in the garden of CAVE D'OCCI. They lie here and there relaxing, not afraid of people or anything, completely carefree. Each season, the garden is full of flowers. You can spend a luxurious time here, admiring the scenery while sitting and dining on the patio or having some tea or ice cream.

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