6月5日 (日)  Goshikinuma  五色沼

My daughter and I went to Goshikinuma or Five-Colored Lakes in Fukusima Prefecture. It consists of more than ten lakes formed by the erruption of Mt. Bandai which took place in 1888. The color of the water is different from lake to lake and each changes its color according to various conditions such as the angle to see, time of the day or the year, the temperature and so on. We walked along the walking trail, which stretches 3.7km along the lakes. The pictures below were taken by Bishamonnuma, the largest lake. The view of the lakes with green leaves in June was breathtakingly beautiful.
We then went to AizuWakamatu-shi, where we used to live many years ago. My daughter wanted to see the place where our house stood when she was a little girl. We surprised some ex-neighbors by visiting them so suddenly without any warning in advance. 福島裏磐梯にある五色沼に行っててきました。1888年の磐梯山の噴火によってできた湖沼群の総称だそうです。それぞれの湖により、また見る角度や時間その他によって水の色が変わります。写真に写っているのは中でも最も大きな毘沙門沼。なんともいいようのない微妙な色。きれいでした。この後、会津若松に行きました。大昔、ここに数年住んでいました。娘が小さかった頃住んでいた家のある場所に行ってみたいと言い、行ってきました。当時のご近所の方たちにもお会いしました。いきなり行って驚かせてしまいました。

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