5月31日 (水)  東京タワー Tokyo Tower

I went to Tokyo with my friend from the English group CES.
The purpose of visiting Tokyo this time was to see "Phantom of the Opera" by Shiki Theatrical Company next day.
Using "TYO" plan presented by JR, Shinkan-sen round-trip tickets to Tokyo plus hotel fee cost almost the same as Shinkan-sen tickets only. That's why we decided to stay over night. Tokyo Tower was a lot more fun than I had expected.
The second picture is me with the biggest pumpkin in the world at Guinness World Records Museum in Tokyo Tower Foot Town.
The third one is at the Trick Art Gallery, which is "a unique 3-dementional version of world famous pictures and sculptures created by surprisingly advanced reproductive technology." At night, the view from the special observatory at the height of 250m was breathtakingly beautiful. On our way back to the hotel, we looked back and there we found the tower lit up and shining beautifully!

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