9月2日 (土)  函館旅行 A Trip to Hakodate, Hokkaido

 My daughter and I made a three-day-and-two-night trip to Hakodate, Hokkaido. It took nearly three hours from Shin-Chitose Airport (close to Sapporo) to Hakodate. We fully enjoyed this exotic city, traveling on streetcars, which slowly rattled along the streets.
After the arrival of U.S. Commodore Matthew Perry in 1853, the port of Hakodate was forced to open to Western world, which led Japan to reopening diplomatic and commercial relations with the Western world after a long period of national isolation. The city with modern architectures makes people long for good old days, when foreign cultures rushed into Japan.
The first picture is of a beautiful church in Moto-machi named "Catholic Moto-machi Church"in the Gothic style. The second and third pictures are "Harisutosu Seikyoukai" or the"Japanese Orthodox Church". It's the first church that started to propagate Greek Orthodox Church in Japan. Arch-shaped windows are strikingly beautiful and impressive.

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