Diary 2006. 9
9月2日 (土)  函館旅行 A Trip to Hakodate, Hokkaido

 My daughter and I made a three-day-and-two-night trip to Hakodate, Hokkaido. It took nearly three hours from Shin-Chitose Airport (close to Sapporo) to Hakodate. We fully enjoyed this exotic city, traveling on streetcars, which slowly rattled along the streets.
After the arrival of U.S. Commodore Matthew Perry in 1853, the port of Hakodate was forced to open to Western world, which led Japan to reopening diplomatic and commercial relations with the Western world after a long period of national isolation. The city with modern architectures makes people long for good old days, when foreign cultures rushed into Japan.
The first picture is of a beautiful church in Moto-machi named "Catholic Moto-machi Church"in the Gothic style. The second and third pictures are "Harisutosu Seikyoukai" or the"Japanese Orthodox Church". It's the first church that started to propagate Greek Orthodox Church in Japan. Arch-shaped windows are strikingly beautiful and impressive.

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9月3日 (日)  函館旅行No.2 A trip to Hakodate No.2

 さてぜひ行ってみたかったのが赤毛のアンをイメージしたカフェ「グリーン・ゲイブルズ」。赤毛のアンの原題は"Anne of Green Gables"。中学時代大好きだったアンを偶然にも今原書で読み始めたところでした。手作りのアップルパイとシフォンケーキを食べましたが絶品でした。建物はアンの住んでいたグリーン・ゲイブルズを再現した外観で感動しました。
 This is the continuation of yesterday’s journal.. This yellow and blue building is quite eye-catching. The real building looks brighter than this picture. It’s a Western-style building, but at the same time it has Japanese elements. Inside is elaborately designed and is so beautiful. We rented dresses to transform ourselves ladies in Meiji Era. You can walk around the building in the costume you rent. It was not easy to walk around or go up and down the stairs in this dress with a low hemline. You have a fine view of Hakodate Seaport from a balcony.
 One of the places I wanted to visit was a cafe named “Green Gables” reflecting the image of “Anne of Green Gables.” I loved Anne so much as a junior high student and incidentally I have just started to read the book again in English. We had tube cake and apple pie, both of which were superb. The external appearance of the cafe looks like Green Gables, where Anne lived. It is so impressive.

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9月4日 (月)  函館旅行No.3 A Trip to Hakodate No.3 Hokkaido

 実際には9月3日分です。函館朝市で朝から大盛りの海鮮丼を食べ朝市をぶらついた後、市電に乗ります。市電駅から港に向かって美しい石畳を歩いていくとそこに現れるのは赤レンガ倉庫群。明治に建てられたそうですが、今はショッッピングセンター、レストラン、ホールとして利用されています。(数棟は今も実際に倉庫として使われているそうです。)ユニークなお店がいっぱい。この写真サンタポスト「ユメール君」がいる「はこだてサンタ臨時郵便局」はフィンランド・ラップランド州よりサンタクロース郵便局として認定されているのだそうです。ここから手紙を出すとサンタクロースの消印が押されるそうです。ここは年中クリスマス気分です。Cafe&Dining Kanemori でじゃがベーコンとデザートを食べましたが抜群においしく、機会があったとしたらまた本格的に食べに行きたいものです。
This is actually a dairy of September 3. We had a bowl of rice topped with sashimi at Hakodate Morning Market. After browsing around Morning Market, we took a streetcar for the Bay Area. We walked on a beautiful stone-paved road, and there appeared a group of red brick warehouses. Having been built in Meiji Era, they are now a big shopping center with fancy shops and restaurants while some of them are still used for their original purposes. "Hakodate Santa Provisional Post Office" with the post in the shape of Santa Clause nicknamed "Yumail-kun" is officially certified as Santa Clause Post Office by Lapland in Finland. If you mail your letter from here, it will be postmarked with Santa Clause stamp. The place has a Christmas atmosphere all year round. We ate potato with bacon at Cafe&Dining Kanemori, which was really tasty. I’d like to have a real meal here next time if any.

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9月5日 (火)  函館旅行No.4 A Trip to Hakodate No.4

This is “Goryokaku,” or a pentagram fort, which was named because of its star-shape. The whole fort could be seen from Goryokaku Tower, but couldn’t fit in the picture. This was Japan’s first and largest Western-style fort and was built in 1866. “Goryokaku” is also famous for the last resistance against the new Meiji Government being put up. Now the place is open to public as a park. The last two pictures from Mt. Hakodate show one of the three most beautiful night views in the world, along with Naples and Hong Kong. When the night view appeared, there arose a shout of admiration and excitement inside the bus which was climbing up the mountain. I regret that these pictures I took don’t show even a bit of its real beauty.

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